ITM Ref: 681705,852112
GPS Ref: 54.41102, -6.74135
At the gates of, but pre-dates, Benburb Manor, home of Bruce family. Single cell. C17th nave. C19th tower. Mullioned-and-transomed triple round-headed lancets with square hood-moulds. That to east window has elaborate, flowing label-stops.
Floor plan
Primary source to support the attribution.
Secondary source to support the attribution.
The window is signed with name, initials or mark.
A likely attribution.
The attribution is made with confidence.
Primary source to support the given date.
Secondary source to support the given date.
Date appearing on the glass along with the signature or mark.
A date formally painted as part of the inscription.
Date appearing on a plaque nearby.
A likely date.
A date of death appearing either on the glass or on a plaque nearby; note that the date of installation of a window could vary greatly from the memorial date.